Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Giant Japanese Spider Crab

I went to the library and read a book about shells.  I learned that the giant Japanese spider crab is the biggest crustacean in the world.  It can get up to about 12 feet across when stretched out.  The shell can reach up to 18 inches.  When we got home, we measured 12 feet and 18 inches.  We marked it with rocks.  Then we did more research online.  We learned they can live to 100 years old!!!!!  We also learned that they are omnivores.  An omnivore is an animal that eats plants and animals.  They eat dead animals and pry open mollusk shells.  They are super duper cool.

This is an interesting video about Japanese spider crabs.


Adam Shapiro (Sophie's Dad) said...

Hi Grey - your adventures and blogging about what you have learned are really cool and also very impressive for such a young person. Keep up the good work, I can tell you are having a lot of fun learning so much about nature in all these adventures in biomimicry. Thank you for teaching me too!

Anonymous said...

G- what would you do if you found a Japanese spider crab in your room?
Love reading your blog

Unknown said...

I’d honestly try to catch it! Thanks for reading!