Friday, July 29, 2016

Can you correctly identify the crab shells in this picture?

Enter your answers in the comment section.  Check back next week to see if you were able to correctly identify the crabs. 


Joyce Ostertag said...

hmmm... this required a bit of research (and a little re-reading of your other post). Very handy to have my google extension tool of "scissors" so I could split the screen. My best guesses, from left to right: Atlantic deep sea red crab, green crab, lady crab, blue crab

Sue Arabia said...

Obviously, Miss Ostertag is the scientist here. I was just going to go with "I have no idea!" I will check back to find out, and I also got a few hints from your other "crazy crabbing" post. I know one is not Jeffrey the flip-flop stealing horseshoe crab :)

Grey said...

Starting from the left the crab shells are from a rock crab, a blue crab, a lady crab, and green crab. Ms. Ostertag you got 3 out of 4 right. In the picture, the rock crab looks red. And yes, Ms. Arabia, Jeffery is not one of those crabs giving that the horseshoe crab we caught was two feet long. Thank you for reading my blog and commenting.