Saturday, January 23, 2016

Puffer Fish

       It was a sunny day on Martha’s Vineyard, and we were ready for another one of our adventures.   My mom, my friend Logan, his mom, his sister and I went to a beach called Lambert’s Cove.  As we were walking on the beach, we saw two grown-ups and a boy holding a large net about five feet long.  I quickly ran over and asked them what they were catching.  They were catching puffer fish and silver-sided minnows.  They caught them by holding the two poles at either end of the net and pointing them vertically.  After that, they walked into the water and pushed the ends of the poles into the sand at the ocean floor.  Then they waited about thirty seconds and lifted the net horizontally and brought it back to the shore.  There were lots of fish, but I was most excited about the pufferfish.  When the pufferfish got scared they puffed up into a ball.  Watch the video to observe them puff up.  I got to hold the pufferfish.  They felt rough.  This was a very cool experience for me. 

1 comment:

Joyce Ostertag said...

Very interesting to learn that puffer fish can be found off the New England coast. I guess I always thought of them as tropical fish, but perhaps there are many varieties and they live in different habitats - I'll have to look that up! You wrote a very clear description of how the net was used to catch the fish - it really helped me picture it.