Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Animals Inside Out

      Amanda and I went to the Franklin Institute and there is a new exhibit called Animals Inside Out.  We went to it.  It was very cool because it showed everything inside of animals.  Like their heart, stomach, nervous system, lungs, bones, and muscles.  The parts were labeled and showed how the systems worked. 
      There were lots of animals.  There were ocean animals and land animals.  They even had humans.  Some of the ocean animals were sharks and octopus.  Some of the land animals were bulls, horses, and a giraffe. 
      One cool fact I learned is that your nervous system travels 250 miles per hour.  It was really interesting.  I would recommend going.

1 comment:

Christina/Mom said...

If a nerve signal travels 250 miles per hour, how long does it take you to notice it/feel pain when you stub your toe? Love, mom