Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Amazing Kayak Adventure

This summer at Martha's Vineyard, we went Kayaking with my cousin Polly, and my aunt Carrie.  We started at Quista Pond and we paddled through it.  Then we went along the edge of Menemsha Pond.  We went into a really skinny creek, and we had to walk our kayaks, in the water, a little bit of the way.  Then we went through a concrete thing (look below at picture number 4).  Then we went through a small culvert.  There were shrimp jumping everywhere.  Then we got to Squibnocket Pond.  We stopped at a deserted beach and we ate lunch there.  Then we got back on our kayaks.  Then me and Polly saw a small island and there were 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (okay, maybe around 100 or more) double-crested cormorants.  We started making lots of noises and scared them.  Then we went to a swampy area and got out of our kayaks and bushwhacked through cattails.  We met, Lydia, our babysitter, and she drove us back.  It was the longest kayak trip I ever did.  

Picture 1

Map: The path we took is the line that is red.

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

Picture 9

Picture 10: This is the beach we ate lunch on.

Picture 11: This is when we bushwhacked through the cattails.

1 comment:

Ms. Amanda said...

Very cool! It looks like you had a fun time.