Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wave Blaster

Scallops move by squirting water out of their shells, and this helps them escape attacks.  I had an idea for an invention called the Wave Blaster.  It helps you escape waves.  The wave blaster helps you escape the current if you are going in the opposite direction of the current.  The wave blaster is generated by a light weight water wheel.  The water wheel generates electricity while you paddle, even when it is calm.  The Wave Blaster boosts you by sucking in water and pushing it out.  When it gets windy, you can turn it on for an extra boost.  


Steve Graham said...

Grey, can you get a wave blaster to work with your kayak? Love, Dad

Grey said...

In the future...we might need some help.
That would be fun to make.

Matt Nehring said...

Amanda and I could have used a Wave Blaster on the way back from Menemsha this afternoon. Did you catch any more fish with Adam and Kate?

Matt Nehring said...

Hey Grey - did you hear that scientists have invented a mini wave blaster that can swim through your eyeball?

Grey said...

Thanks Matt! Amanda and I looked at the website. It is super cool. Thanks for showing it to us!