Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Long Point Wildlife Refuge

On Monday I went to Long Point with my mom and my friends.  We couldn't find any blue crabs, but we caught creatures that looked like eels.  We think they might be black rock gunnels, which are eel-like fish.   We got one big eel and several smalls ones.  They were super slippery.  We caught the biggest black fingered mud crab I ever saw.  We also caught three Asian shore crabs.  We saw a bunch of live oysters almost too big to eat.  It was a fantastic day.

The following photos were taken by: Jana Bannan mkPhoto


Matt Nehring said...

Next time you catch eels you should save some and we can use them as bait in Menemsha. On a related note, next time you find oysters, put them on ice and I will shuck them for you.

Jana Bannan said...

It was so much fun spending the weekend with you and your family. Photos from the adventures are on their way.