Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Kayaking Trip to Menemsha

This is the path that we took.  

This weekend my family, friends, and I went kayaking at Quitsa Pond.  We caught scallops, and they opened and closed while we were holding them.  They squirted water at us.  I also touched a horseshoe crab.  I was in my own kayak all the way to Menemsha in the wind, rain, and against the current.  After kayaking, I felt proud of myself.  When we got to Menemsha, we met a fisherman named Dave.  He had tons and tons of creatures on his boat.  He had a sea robin fish, a lot of large rock crabs, very big spider crabs, lots of skates, and he had one big shell.  It was about 6 inches across.  Dave said that there was still something alive in it.  It was a hermit crab.  It was in the biggest moon snail shell I ever saw.  There was also flounders.  Fisherman Dave was very nice.


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