Friday, July 25, 2014

Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary

On Wednesday Amanda and I went to Felix Neck.  Suzan, the director at Felix Neck, helped us identify what is probably a sea squirt and a fish.  Then we went to the beach and caught a female fiddler crab.  We knew it was a female fiddler crab because it's claws were both small.  We caught a baby black fingered mud crab.  It was so fun because we finally caught a fiddler crab.

This is a female fiddler crab.

This is a male fiddler crab.


Donna Harrington said...

Hi Grey, I am having so much fun reading your blog. Your descriptions are so good. I feel like I am there. Let's write some tunes to go along with your stories at your next piano lesson. Love, Mrs.Harrington

Unknown said...

What a great find! You are truly the crab whisper. Have fun!