Sunday, August 18, 2013

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Loggerhead sea turtles eat hard things, like horseshoe crabs and soft things, like jellyfish.  They can live up to 50 years old.  They can travel thousands of miles.  They go back to the same beach that they were born at to lay their eggs.  The eggs hatch 60 days after the mom laid them in the sand.  Lots of them get eatten by predators.   Loggerhead's are not endangered but are threatened.  I wish I could see a real loggerhead sea turtle.

This is part of a loggerhead's shell and rib cage.  This bone was found in the saltwater pond by Long Point Beach in Martha's Vineyard.  You can also find blue crabs at this pond.

This is a loggerhead sea turtle eating a conch under the water.

This is a little baby loggerhead walking toward the ocean.


Kristin Graham said...

Hi Grey,
I learned a lot of neat things from you about the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, that's why I picked it as my favorite. I love that it travels thousands of miles and that it goes back to its "home beach" to lay its eggs. I can relate to that because I love to travel, and I love to go home too! I hope you get to see a real Loggerhead this summer. If you do, let me know! Good luck.
Love, Aunt Kristi

Grey said...

I will keep my eyes open. Thanks for commenting.