Friday, July 29, 2016

Sengekontaket Pond


        Last weekend, in Martha's Vineyard, I went to this awesome new crabbing spot that my mom’s friend Effie showed us. It was called Sengekontaket pond. I think it was brackish water because there were lots of blue crabs and they prefer brackish water. The water was definitely salty, though.  As soon as I walked into the pond, a green crab scurried by sideways, then a blue crab swam by.  I was in crab heaven. Effie's son Orion and I put on are snorkeling gear and dived in.  Pretty soon are bucket were full of crabs. We caught blue crabs, green crabs, and lady crabs.  Then I caught a huge flat clawed hermit crab. Orion and I caught a large horseshoe crab and named it Jeffery.  When we let Jeffery go Orion stepped on it, and it took his flip flop.  He was scared to death. Later, I also caught a small flounder. 

            In my opinion, the blue crabs are the hardest crab to catch because they are crazy fast and use their paddles to glide through the water.  You need to sneak up on them and make a quick scoop. Blue crabs have the tendency to climb out of your net, so I came up with a technique where you flip the net and it closes the top.  See the video below for a demonstration.  

            At the end of our adventure we caught around 30 crabs. It was crazy!  When we let them go, all of the crabs retreated back to their homes. This was the best day of crabbing so far this year.


Joyce Ostertag said...

Amazing day of crabbing! Your description of the day helped me imagine it in my mind. How fun that Orion was there too - the flip flop description made me laugh.

Sue Arabia said...

Hi, Grey. Thanks for sharing your adventures with me again this summer. You are learning a lot and having a lot of fun, as well!

Kate said...

That looks like an awesome adventure in "crab heaven"! Were you catching them underwater while you were snorkeling, or did the snorkeling just help you to spot them? We saw tons of horseshoe crabs in Cape May in June this year- some of them were huge!

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