Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kayaking at Stonewall Pond

Today my family and I went kayaking and paddle boarding at Stonewall Pond.  We went snorkeling to look for different sea creatures.  We caught a blue crab, a spider crab, tons of brittle stars, a lady crab, some hermit crabs, two horseshoe crabs, and a whelk.  I liked everything about this day!    

This is us going to the shore with our nets and our buckets.

This is the blue crab we caught.

This is a boy blue crab.  You can see it has a line at the bottom.  This blue crab has paddles on his back legs just like a lady crab.  

This is the picture my brother, my cousin, and I holding a live horescrab. 

This is two horseshoe crabs.  The big black one is a boy and the small one is a younger girl.  

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