Friday, August 15, 2014

A New Find

Today, at Stonewall pond, we caught 13 shame-faced crabs.  We kayaked out to a small beach. We used snorkeling gear, in shallow water, to find them.  We caught them with our hands.  They are slow.  This is the first year we caught them.  This is my favorite find this year.  I am going research this crab and write about it soon.

This is my mom and my brother.

This is my cousin, Gordy, Lydia, and me kayaking.

This a little shame-faced with it's claws open.

This is shame-faced crab upside down.  It fits together like a puzzle.

These are all the shame-faced crabs we caught.

Can you tell why it is a shamed-face crab?
It is called a shame-faced crab because it's claws cover it's face like it is ashamed.  

We also found sea squirts on the dock.

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