Monday, July 14, 2014

Introduction to Biomimicry

This year in science I learned about animal adaptations.  An adaptation is a special body part that helps animals live in their environment.  For example, camels have extra long eyelashes to keep the sand out of their eyes.  And poisonous dart frogs have bright colors to warn other animals not to eat them.
This summer we are going to observe animals in nature and look at their adaptations. Then we are going to think of inventions that can help make our lives easier.  This is called biomimicry.
"Bio" means life and "mimic" means to copy.  Biomimicry is copying nature's adaptations to make things better.  I hope you enjoy reading my blog this summer.


Matt Nehring said...

I am interested to see what kinds of inventions you dream up this summer! One of my favorite examples of biomimicry is the honeycomb, which is used in many industries and applications to provide lightweight structure and insulation. Google it!

Grey said...

We googled the honeycomb. It is cool.

Grahampa said...

Grey, maybe you will be a scientist as well as an engineer. Good work! Grahampa